Class S2PMTilesWriter

Write a PMTiles file.



compression: Compression = Compression.Gzip

the compression algorithm

type: TileType

the tile type

writer: Writer

the writer to append to


  • Finish writing by building the header with root and leaf directories


    • metadata: Metadata

      the metadata to store

    Returns Promise<void>

  • Write a tile to the PMTiles file given its tile ID.


    • tileID: number

      the tile ID

    • data: Uint8Array

      the tile data

    • Optionalface: Face

      If it exists, then we are storing S2 data

    Returns Promise<void>

  • Write a tile to the PMTiles file given its (face, zoom, x, y) coordinates.


    • face: Face

      the Open S2 projection face

    • zoom: number

      the zoom level

    • x: number

      the tile X coordinate

    • y: number

      the tile Y coordinate

    • data: Uint8Array

      the tile data to store

    Returns Promise<void>

  • Write a tile to the PMTiles file given its (z, x, y) coordinates.


    • zoom: number

      the zoom level

    • x: number

      the tile X coordinate

    • y: number

      the tile Y coordinate

    • data: Uint8Array

      the tile data to store

    Returns Promise<void>