Function writeOVLayer

  • Because of the Column Cache, a layer will contain:

    • version 1 byte
    • extent (1 byte) - 1 -> 1024, 2 -> 2048, 3 -> 4096, 4 -> 8192
    • name (varint) - index into the string columns table
    • features (writeMessage) - for each feature


    • layerCache: { cache: ColumnCacheWriter; layer: BaseVectorLayer; verbose: boolean }

      object containing the layer and the cache

      • cache: ColumnCacheWriter

        the cache where all column level data is stored

      • layer: BaseVectorLayer

        the layer to encode into the Protobuffer

      • verbose: boolean

        set to true to print out write information

    • pbf: Pbf

      the pbf protocol we are writing to

    Returns void