Class ColumnCacheWriter

The cache where all data is stored in a column format. Each column type has its own array of data. Number types maintain their own index for sorting purposes.


0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9



0: Map<string, OColumnBaseChunk<string>> = ...

strings are grouped by their bytes.

1: Map<number, OColumnBaseChunk<number>> = ...

Unsigned integers are sorted prior to storing

2: Map<number, OColumnBaseChunk<number>> = ...

Signed integers are sorted prior to storing

3: Map<number, OColumnBaseChunk<number>> = ...

32-bit partial values are sorted prior to storing

4: Map<number, OColumnBaseChunk<number>> = ...

64-bit partial values are sorted prior to storing

5: Map<string, OColumnBaseChunk<Point[]>> = ...

for geometry types each column is individually weaved and delta encoded

6: Map<string, OColumnBaseChunk<Point3D[]>> = ...

for geometry types each column is individually weaved and delta encoded

7: Map<string, OColumnBaseChunk<number[]>> = ...

Indices track geometry indices, geometry shapes, or other indexing data

8: Map<string, OColumnBaseChunk<ColumnValue[]>> = ...

Contains number arrays of how to rebuild objects

9: Map<string, OColumnBaseChunk<BBox | BBox3D>> = ...

Features should be sorted by id prior to building a column


  • Type Parameters

    • T

      one of the column types


    • col: OColumnName

      the column to add the value to

    • value: T

      the value to add

    Returns number

    • the index of the value
  • This function is specifically designed for number types as they will be sorted later for better compression.


    • value: number

      the number

    • OptionalcType: OColumnNumbers

      the column type if we already know its classification

    Returns ColumnValue

    • the ColumnValue reference which contains the index and data. Will be sorted before stored.
  • The whole column cache is a message at the tile level. all columns are stored as fields in the message


    • column: ColumnCacheWriter

      the column cache we want to write from

    • pbf: Pbf

      the pbf protocol we are writing to

    Returns void