Class OVectorFeatureBase

Vector Feature Base Common variables and functions shared by all vector features

Hierarchy (View Summary)


  • Parameters

    • cache: ColumnCacheReader

      the column cache for future retrieval

    • id: undefined | number

      the id of the feature

    • properties: OProperties

      the properties of the feature

    • mShape: Shape

      the shape of the feature's mValues if they exist

    • extent: Extents

      the extent of the feature

    • geometryIndices: number[]

      the indices of the geometry in the cache

    • single: boolean

      if true, you know the initial length is 1

    • bboxIndex: number

      index to the values column where the BBox is stored

    • hasOffsets: boolean

      if true, the geometryIndices has offsets encoded into it

    • hasMValues: boolean

      if true, the feature has M values

    • indicesIndex: number

      if greater than 0, the feature has indices to parse

    • tesselationIndex: number

      if greater than 0, the feature has tesselation

    Returns OVectorFeatureBase


bboxIndex: number

index to the values column where the BBox is stored

the column cache for future retrieval

extent: Extents

the extent of the feature

geometryIndices: number[]

the indices of the geometry in the cache

hasMValues: boolean

if true, the feature has M values

hasOffsets: boolean

if true, the geometryIndices has offsets encoded into it

id: undefined | number

the id of the feature

indicesIndex: number

if greater than 0, the feature has indices to parse

mShape: Shape

the shape of the feature's mValues if they exist

properties: OProperties

the properties of the feature

single: boolean

if true, you know the initial length is 1

tesselationIndex: number

if greater than 0, the feature has tesselation


  • adds the tesselation to the geometry


    • geometry: number[]

      the input geometry to add to

    • multiplier: number

      the multiplier to multiply the geometry by

    Returns void

  • Returns boolean

    • true if the type of the feature is lines
  • Returns boolean

    • true if the type of the feature is lines 3D
  • Returns boolean

    • true if the type of the feature is points
  • Returns boolean

    • true if the type of the feature is points 3D
  • Returns boolean

    • true if the type of the feature is polygons
  • Returns boolean

    • true if the type of the feature is polygons 3D
  • Returns [geometry: number[], indices: number[]]

    an empty geometry

  • Returns number[]

    the indices for the feature