Class ColumnCacheReader

Column Cache Reader Stores all data in a column format. Upon construction, all columns are decoded from the protobuf. This allows for quick and easy access to data in a column format.



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0: ColumnValueReadSimple<string> = []

strings are stored in a column of strings

1: ColumnValueReadSimple<number> = []

unsigned whole numbers are stored in unsigned

2: ColumnValueReadSimple<number> = []

negative numbers are stored in signed

3: ColumnValueReadSimple<number> = []

non-whole 32-bit numbers are stored in float

4: ColumnValueReadSimple<number> = []

non-whole numbers greater than 32-bit are stored in double

for geometry types each column is individually weaved and delta encoded

for geometry types each column is individually weaved and delta encoded

7: ColumnValueReadSimple<number> = []

store M-Value indices, geometry indices, and geometry shapes

8: ColumnValueRead<number[]> = []

shapes and possibly value indices are stored in a number[] to be decoded by readShape

Stores both BBox and BBox3D in a single column


  • Type Parameters

    • T


    • col: OColumnName

      the column to read/store the parsed data

    • index: number

      the index in the column to read/store the parsed data

    Returns T

    • the parsed data