Class BaseVectorPolys3DFeature

Base Vector Polys 3D Feature Type 6 Extends from

VectorFeatureBase. Store either a single 3D poly or a list of 3D polys

Hierarchy (view full)



bbox?: BBox3D

the bbox of the feature

the geometry of the feature

id?: number

the id of the feature if there is one

indices: number[] = []

the indices of the geometry

properties: OProperties = {}

the properties of the feature


  • get hasBBox(): boolean
  • Returns boolean

    • true if the feature has BBox
  • get hasMValues(): boolean
  • Returns boolean

    • true if the feature has M values
  • get hasOffsets(): boolean
  • Returns boolean

    true if the feature has offsets


  • Parameters

    • cache: ColumnCacheWriter

      the column cache to store the geometry

    • mShape: Shape = {}

      the shape of the M-values to encode the values as

    Returns number

    the indexes in the points column where the geometry is stored