Interface MapboxTileJSONMetadata

TileJSON V3.0.0

Represents a TileJSON metadata object.

TileJSON Spec

interface MapboxTileJSONMetadata {
    attribution?: string;
    bounds?: BBox;
    center?: [lon: number, lat: number, zoom: number];
    data?: string[];
    description?: string;
    fillzoom?: number;
    grids?: string[];
    legend?: string;
    maxzoom?: number;
    minzoom?: number;
    name?: string;
    scheme?: Scheme;
    template?: string;
    tilejson: string;
    tiles: string[];
    vector_layers: VectorLayer[];
    version?: string;
    [key: string]: unknown;


  • [key: string]: unknown

    Allow additional properties


attribution?: string

Attribution string.

bounds?: BBox

Bounding box array [west, south, east, north].

center?: [lon: number, lat: number, zoom: number]

Center coordinate array [longitude, latitude, zoom].

data?: string[]

Array of data source URLs.

description?: string

Description of the tileset.

fillzoom?: number

Fill zoom level. Must be between 0 and 30.

grids?: string[]

Array of UTFGrid URL templates.

legend?: string

Legend of the tileset.

maxzoom?: number

Maximum zoom level. Must be between 0 and 30.

minzoom?: number

Minimum zoom level. Must be between 0 and 30.

name?: string

Name of the tileset.

scheme?: Scheme

Tile scheme, e.g., xyz or tms.

template?: string

Template for interactivity.

tilejson: string

Version of the TileJSON spec used. Matches the pattern: \d+\.\d+\.\d+\w?[\w\d]*.

tiles: string[]

Array of tile URL templates.

vector_layers: VectorLayer[]

Array of vector layer metadata.

version?: string

Version of the tileset. Matches the pattern: \d+\.\d+\.\d+\w?[\w\d]*.