Function writeOVTile

  • Write a tile to a Protobuf. and return a buffer You have the option to store:

    • Vector data - vector points, lines, and polygons with 3D coordinates, properties, and/or m-values
    • Image data - raster data that is RGB(A) encoded
    • Grid data: data that has a max-min range, works much like an image but has floating/double precision point values for each point on the grid


    • Optionaltile: BaseVectorTile | VectorTile

      the tile may be a base vector tile or a S2/Mapbox vector tile

    • Optionalimages: ImageDataInput[]

      if provided, the tile will include image(s)

    • OptionalgriddedData: GridInput[]

      if provodied, the grid based data to encode with specs on how to encode

    • verbose: boolean = false

      whether to print debug messages

    Returns Uint8Array

    • a protobuffer encoded buffer using the Open Vector Tile Spec